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September 2024
September 2024
Perfumes in Ancient Greece

Perfumes in Ancient Greece

🌸 As in ancient times, today more expensive perfumes still use mostly natural products—essential oils gathered from flowers, spices, and fruits, while cheaper ones are made from synthesized oils that approximate these natural #scents.

🕊️ In Ancient Greece, #perfume was already central to worshipping and pleasing the gods and goddesses. The Ancient Greeks believed that anything as wondrous must have come from the gods:  vast quantities were used in religious #ceremonies, and those too poor to afford #fragrance for funerals simply painted a perfume bottle on the coffin.

😌 The Ancient Greeks played a crucial role in the development of #perfumery.  Not content with burning fragrance ingredients, they ground aromatic plants and resins and suspended them in oil, creating the first perfumes for wearing on the skin.  And what else helped fragrance to ‘catch on’ in Ancient Greece was the newfound interest in #hygiene.

🪔 #Hippocrates – ‘the father of medicine’ – was big on hygiene, prescribing fumigation, and the use of perfumes to help prevent disease.  The Ancient Greeks embraced #aromatherapy, making it practical and scientific rather than mystical.



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