Grecian Urns were pieces of art that were useful as well as beautiful
⚱️ When a civilization begins to really flourish, they grow beyond those basic needs and begin to focus on #beauty, #art, and #decor. The Greeks achieved this, flourishing beyond necessity into beauty. Their #architecture, art, and even everyday items were not only functional but beautiful and reflective of their values.
🏺Urns were very common in ancient Greece as they were originally used to store food (amphora), water (hydria), and wine (crater). Funerary urns (also called cinerary urns and burial urns) have been used by many civilizations. After death, corpses are cremated, and the ashes are collected and put in an urn. Any old pot would serve these functions. If you think about it, we rarely use anything as fancy as an urn for these purposes.
🖌️ In Ancient Greece, cremation was usual, and the ashes typically placed in a painted Greek vase, since they owned beautiful works of art that were also useful and accompanied them to the afterlife. They incorporated geometric lines and designs and often had a scene of importance center stage on the urn as well. The scenes on the urns often told stories or showed important people or events.
🛒 To purchase our urns check out our link in bio where you will find functional urns inspired by Ancient Greece!
🌎 We have international shipping, so wherever you are, we’ve got you covered!
⬇️ Ways to contact us:
📧 attickblack@thetis.gr
📱 +30 2103232005
🗓️ Schedule an appointment to visit our workshop in Athens
#atticblack #thetisauthentic #urn #functionalurn #fancyurn #ancientgreekpottery #handmadepottery #handmadeceramis #potteryworkshop #athenspottery #ceramicsworkshop #handmadetableware #buynow #eshop #linkinbio #onlineshop #potteryshop #functionalpottery #internationalshipping #funeralurn #burialurn #cinerary #amphora #crater #hydria
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