Black-glazed cylindrical mug (kypello) with horizontal ribbed decoration, ca. 475-425 BCE
This nearly straight-sided, cylindrical mug showcases multiple horizontal ribs and an applied ring handle just below the lip. The flat base is supported by a slightly raised foot encircling the circumference, adding balance and poise to the design.
This modern-looking piece is an excellent example of Attic black-glaze pottery, embodying the ancient Greek design aesthetic we proudly promote through our studio.
For comparison, see Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Bochum, Kunstsammlungen der Ruhr-Universität II, pp. 72-73, pl. 75, no. 9. A similar example from South Italy is illustrated in Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Cleveland Museum of Art II, pl. 105, no. 5.
Dimensions H: 10cm, max L: 13,5cm, rim D: 10cm